College Planning
Trusted - Single-fee Investment Management Services
Service Description
Our Founders Story: After being a breast cancer survivor, I was ready to retire from my high stress and 80 hour a week extensive CPA career as a Institutional Financial Risk Audit Partner and Subject Matter Expert in Compliance & Valuations of Derivative Instruments. Until of course, while in recovery at my parents house, I looked at my 75 year old dad's 401k & IRA statements from a very large well known payroll service that offers retirement accounts and a similarly large bank, respectively. My father, a blue-collar night shift worker, still enjoyed going to work. Even after he had a mini-stroke in the previous year, he plugs on every night for a 40 hour work-week, commuting 30 minutes into D.C each way. He like most seniors enjoys being needed. Looking at his financial statements, I saw that in his 401k account, there were several fee withdrawals from trading his investments and on re-investments over 15 years. This reduced his retirement account by at least $100,000! His average returns were 2-3% rather than 7-16% shown on his statements! Additionally in his IRA accounts, I had seen that he was in highly inappropriate high risk investments. Also, that the company charged $50 monthly fees for his RMD withdrawals that should be free? I called FINRA on them both, they listened and offered absolutely no help. Unfortunately, my father had no time or resources for a drawn-out legal battle. Angry at myself for being to busy to see this earlier, I looked feverishly for better options. However was unable to find a financial advisor, or CFP, that was not working for commissions. Fee-based advisors meant commissions & fee, NOT Single-Fee Management. And most true single-fees had $250k to $1million thresholds that were in partnerships with either private equity, or hedge funds, ie more risk and fees. I also found many advisors did not have a financial nor formal education or experience in financial instruments but they were just well dressed salesmen. Therefore with grit and integrity of my parents, I created my own RIA for numerous people like him. A simply structured, pure single-fee investment company that provides quality investment management from experienced financial professionals to actually grow wealth rather than eradicate with inappropriate investments, commissions and fees. Book an appointment now. Resources: Links to the SEC and Dept. of Labor warnings in our Brochure: Adv-Part 2B

Contact Details
#8282 805 Glenburnie Road, Richmond, VA, USA