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College Planning

Trusted - Single-fee Investment Management Services

1 h
1% - No commissions

Service Description

Our Founders Story: After being a breast cancer survivor, I was ready to retire from my high stress and 80 hour a week extensive CPA career as a Institutional Financial Risk Audit Partner and Subject Matter Expert in Compliance & Valuations of Derivative Instruments. Until of course, while in recovery at my parents house, I looked at my 75 year old dad's 401k & IRA statements from a very large well known payroll service that offers retirement accounts and a similarly large bank, respectively. My father, a blue-collar night shift worker, still enjoyed going to work. Even after he had a mini-stroke in the previous year, he plugs on every night for a 40 hour work-week, commuting 30 minutes into D.C each way. He like most seniors enjoys being needed. Looking at his financial statements, I saw that in his 401k account, there were several fee withdrawals from trading his investments and on re-investments over 15 years. This reduced his retirement account by at least $100,000! His average returns were 2-3% rather than 7-16% shown on his statements! Additionally in his IRA accounts, I had seen that he was in highly inappropriate high risk investments. Also, that the company charged $50 monthly fees for his RMD withdrawals that should be free? I called FINRA on them both, they listened and offered absolutely no help. Unfortunately, my father had no time or resources for a drawn-out legal battle. Angry at myself for being to busy to see this earlier, I looked feverishly for better options. However was unable to find a financial advisor, or CFP, that was not working for commissions. Fee-based advisors meant commissions & fee, NOT Single-Fee Management. And most true single-fees had $250k to $1million thresholds that were in partnerships with either private equity, or hedge funds, ie more risk and fees. I also found many advisors did not have a financial nor formal education or experience in financial instruments but they were just well dressed salesmen. Therefore with grit and integrity of my parents, I created my own RIA for numerous people like him. A simply structured, pure single-fee investment company that provides quality investment management from experienced financial professionals to actually grow wealth rather than eradicate with inappropriate investments, commissions and fees. Book an appointment now. Resources: Links to the SEC and Dept. of Labor warnings in our Brochure: Adv-Part 2B

Contact Details


#8282 805 Glenburnie Road, Richmond, VA, USA



Vcard  *   Email:   *    Phone:  804-456-4949


805 Glenburnie Road, No. 8282, Richmond, VA 23226


Map *    Virginia Corporation   *


HYA Financial Corporation is a Registered Investment Adviser. This website is only intended for clients and interested investors residing in states in which the Adviser is qualified to provide investment advisory services. Please contact HYA Financial at 412-742-2011 to find out if the we qualify to provide investment advisory services in the state where you reside. HYA Financial does not attempt to furnish personalized investment advice or services through this website. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. ADV-Part 2A-Brochure.

This website is operated and maintained by HYA Financial an is Registered Investment Advisor.

Unless otherwise specified, all return figures shown above are for illustrative purposes only, and are not actual customer or model returns. Actual returns will vary greatly and depend on personal and market circumstances. Investments: Not FDIC Insured • No Bank Guarantee • May Lose Value. Investing in securities involves risks, and there is always the potential of losing money when you invest in securities. Before investing, consider your investment objectives and HYA Financial charges and expenses. HYA Financial services are designed to assist clients in achieving discrete financial goals. They are not intended to provide comprehensive tax advice or financial planning with respect to every aspect of a client's financial situation and do not incorporate specific investments that clients hold elsewhere. For more details, see our Form ADV Part 2 and other disclosures. Past performance does not guarantee future results, and the likelihood of investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature. Not an offer, solicitation of an offer, or advice to buy or sell securities in jurisdictions where HYA Financial is not registered.


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